Vision & Values
Our Vision Statement
Belong – Believe – Build
Where we all belong, believe in ourselves and others, and build for our future.
At Cheddon we aim to be a loving community led by Christian values, where every child feels they belong as unique individuals, where believing in God, yourself and others is nurtured, and which builds knowledge, understanding and experience of the world around.
Our vision is summarised by these three words: Belong, Believe, Build, and rooted in the teaching of Jesus to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Luke 10v27
Belong: Belonging as unique individuals within a community led by Christian values.
Believe: Nurturing (exploring) faith and believing in our abilities, aspirations, dreams and goals.
Build: Building knowledge, understanding and experience of the world around.
We want every experience in our school to expose children to an education where the best outcomes, opportunities, and results for all are achieved by working together for the good of everyone.
We believe that our Christian distinctiveness directs and enhances our care and respect for every individual child who belongs in our school, enriches our community and education provision, and shapes our goals for success and our guidance as we build for the future.
Our School Values
“Respect, Trust and Perseverance”
Cheddon Fitzpaine Church School is an academy school where we are proud of our Christian ethos and distinctiveness. Our three school values are therefore rooted in the Christian tradition and are an integral part of outworking our vision.
We believe that God has amazing plans and purposes for everyone’s life, and that through our Christian Values of respect, trust and perseverance, we can learn to belong as helpful, creative and supportive members of our community, believe in ourselves and others and build strong foundations for the future.
Our heart is that every child at Cheddon Fitzpaine school will know that they are respected and are to show respect to others, will be trustworthy and trust others, and will be encouraged to persevere in achieving their own God-given potential as they move through their primary school journey.
We are an inclusive school where every child, regardless of history, socio-economic background, special educational need, disability, religion or ethnicity, is included as an integral part of the school family.
We belong to a school that believes in building lives that will impact on the world around us with respect, trust and perseverance.
To belong means to ‘fit in’, and to ‘have a place’.
Here at Cheddon we believe it is important that we all ‘have a place where we fit in’, are respected and show respect to others.
The Bible teaches that when God created the earth and all that is in it he said ‘it was good’. The Bible also says that we are made in God’s image, therefore we need to have respect for ourselves, if we do not have respect for ourselves we are not showing respect to God. In practice this means that we should always be trying to do our best in every situation so that we do not feel the regret of letting ourselves down. At Cheddon Fitzpaine, we encourage every child to do their best to achieve their God given potential in all areas of school life. We award Golden tickets to children as they display their efforts by going ‘above and beyond’ in their school work, helping others, showing respect and other activities.
Following the example of the Good Samaritan
“And when he saw him, he had compassion, bandaging his wounds, pouring on oil and wine and setting him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.” (Luke 10:33-34)
In a time when people were judged on where they came from and the life they led, the Good Samaritan triumphs as a human who turned all those judgments aside to sacrificially respected another. He set an example needed in this world – that we will be a people who show respect to others through our words and actions.
At Cheddon Fitzpaine, we display respect through our words, attitudes, behaviour and actions to one other. We teach respect as an ‘upright’ word as it is treating people in the right way. Both the Good Samaritan and Jesus showed that respect only has true impact if it is acted upon. In our day to day life there are times when the act of showing respect may be difficult, it may mean, suppressing our own opinions and feelings to do what is right and of the greatest benefit of others. We work to rebuild broken relationships, to act out of selflessness and to treat people kindly, even if in that moment they may not deserve it. This is displayed by staff and students by the impact of our behaviour policy of Respect, Ready and Safe. ‘Respect’ is based on giving children another chance. In practice children are given a chance to change a behaviour, to forgive and be forgiven in order to rebuild relationships.
As we show respect to ourselves and others we are reflecting God’s goodness in our lives and by doing this we are sowing God respect.
"The Good Samaritan helps us to remember to help others and respecting everybody, even if they are different to us."
Violette Y3
To believe is to have confidence in and to trust.
In our school we seek to nurture trust through experience.
Following the example of Daniel and the lion’s den.
‘God sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me.’ Daniel 6 verse 22
Daniel had prayed to God every day through all the difficulties of living in a foreign land where people worshipped other gods. Over time Daniel won the trust of the king. God was faithful and provided for all Daniel’s needs which built up Daniel’s trust so that when he faced even the most extreme difficulties of the lions’ den he continued to trust God.
We teach trust as a ‘strong’ word because to trust you need strength of character just like Daniel.
At the front of our school, you will see our termly vision proudly displayed. These displays showcase children's work and understanding reflected in the biblical story and how such story reflects our school's vision and values.
"Daniel and the Lions links to how we can show belief. Daniel believed in Fod to save him when others were jeaslous of him. It helps us think about our trust, faith and loyality."
Logan Year 4
To build is to encourage and inspire in order to persevere.
We are a community that encourages one another to persevere in achieving all we are capable of.
Following the example of the story of Noah
‘Noah did everything that God commanded.’ Genesis 6 verse 22
Noah had to persevere whilst building the ark. This was a huge task with many drawbacks. He had to be resilient when others jeered, he had to keep going when the job seemed endless. There would have been time when Noah wanted to give up, but his resilience and perseverance stayed strong.
We teach perseverance as a ‘long’ word, as there is no quick fix.
Cheddon Fitzpaine has a commitment to excellence, high standards and higher expectations. However, through the school value of perseverance, we instil in children the attitude of passion to succeed. Our children know that mistakes are made and learnt from, successes can be improved upon and life is more than the thought of getting something right or wrong. Our children are taught to be resilient and passionate to achieve all their God given potential.
"Noah shows us how to persevere and place our faith in others. He teaches us to keep trying to achieve our personal goals."
Lily-May Year 6
Biblical Quote
How does our vision and values link to our school's biblical quote?
Within the help of Rev Matt, the children and staff explored how our biblical quote underpins our vision and values. We explored how belong, believe and build are rooted in Luke 10v27; sharing how every experience in our school, is carefully consider to expose children to an education where the best outcomes and opportunities are achieved by working together for the good of everyone.
Look Out! - Love others
Demonstrating respect. This links to how we show respect for others in school, in our community and across the country.
Look Up! - Love God
Demonstrating how we show our belief, linking to how we show trust and belief in one another, in ourselves and in God.
Look In! - Love yourself
Demonstrating how we can look inwards to build for our future. This links to how we peserver and work on our own goals in order to achieved.

On our Pupil Voice page you will see quotes from our children, reflecting on their learning and experiences here at Cheddon Fitzpaine Church School.