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Cheddon Fitzpaine Church School

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Where the Wild Things Are. 

Max needs a new boat!

Mrs Brown received a message from Max saying that he couldn’t return home as he had no boat! The children set about making him a new one using different materials. We then tested everyone’s boat to see how well it floated.


Some boats sank straight away, some after a while and some floated. We discovered that those boats with tall sails and small boats tipped over. The ones made of cardboard or paper got soggy and sank. The boats that lasted the longest were covered in bubble wrap or sellotape. The children decided this was because the bubble wrap and sellotape didn’t let the water in and so stayed dry. 

Amazing work Class 1! 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears Drawing Club. 

This week in Drawing Club we have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Class 1 explored porridge oats discussing the texture of them and using different containers to investigate capacity. 

CVC word challenge! 

Mrs Brown set Class 1 a challenge. Could they find the CVC words in the courtyard and read them to her?  They could also choose to write them for an extra Dojo! We were blown away by their skills and effort when decoding the words. Super job Class 1! 

Story time!

Some of the children in Class 1 have been creating stories using Mrs Brown's story stones. The children have enjoyed making their won books and reading their stories aloud to the class. 

Going on a Bear Hunt!


This week Class 1 have started a new story, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We experienced all of the different parts of the story in a sensory walk. Class 1 loved squelching through the mud and sploshing through the river. We has a little problem when the 'snow' kept sticking to our feet but we had great fun! 

The Gingerbread Man. 

As a WOW starter, Class 1 made gingerbread people to take home! We learned the story and completed some writing about the story too. Have a look at our photos :)

Owl Babies:


We have been learning the story Owl Babies this week. We developed our story map and loved retelling the story. Then we changed the characters to Hedgehog Babies instead and made up our own version. Our challenges this week were also linked to the book. In the construction area we used sticks, leaves and feathers to make an owl nest for our owl babies to sleep in just like in the story! I'm sure you'd agree, that the owls look very comfy.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 06.06.22

The children were very excited to see that the new story we are learning this week is  The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They enjoyed guessing the story using the clues from our story sack. The children will be story sequencing the story this week as well as writing a list of food for The Very Hungry Caterpillar next week! 

Class 1 enjoyed having a special visitor into their classroom today. The children were immersed in the brilliant artwork and story telling beautifully carried out by James Mayhew. James started by sharing some of the stories and illustrations he has  previously created and moved on to show the children how he can create a piece of artwork whilst listening to a piece of music. James made a troll and a moonscape, both relating to his books. The children enjoyed their visit thoroughly and have spent the last few days inspired to create artwork like James. They have created some fabulous pieces of art which can be seen above. 
