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Cheddon Fitzpaine Church School

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Autumn 2024

Summer 24


This term the children have been learning about Judaism. We have been learning about Shabbat and what Jewish people do to celebrate. We learnt that in the Jewish home part of the traditions are to light two candles and eat a challah loaf together. Mrs Bradley made a challah loaf for one of the lessons and we shared it together.

Spring 2024

Easter Traditions

The children have been learning about Easter Traditions in the UK. One of these is the eating of hot cross buns. After the children had learnt about them, they got to try one! 

Easter Story Spinners

In RE, the children visited some exploration stations that were connected to the Easter Story. The children had to work out why the objects/pictures were there and what the connection was to the Easter Story.

Autumn 2023

The Story of Jonah

In RE, we have spent the first half of this term exploring the question 'What do Christians think God is Like?' through stories and parables. One of these stories was Jonah and the Whale. The children acted out the story as well as working together to sequence it.


Humanism  16.06.23

We explored the meaning behind humanism. We discussed how humanists do not believe in a God, but look for science to explain the world. They believe that human's are responsible for the world and each other. 

Salvation 10.03.23

We kicked off our Salvation topic by exploring what we know about Easter. We related our own experiences of Easter to discuss why Easter is celebrated and it's importance to Christians. Here's an example of what the children came up with.

Gospel – 25.01.23

Today we explored how Gospel fits into the bigger picture of Christianity. Children found key parts in the frieze frame and annotated them using their knowledge of creation and incarnation. Children know that gospel means good news. 

Spring 04.01.23

Children explored Daniel and the Lion's Den. This biblical story underpins our value of Trust, showing how Daniel demonstrated in trust in himself, the king and within God. The children rewrote the story using pictures to aid their memory. We then reflected on how we show trust in ourselves, in others and in God. 

Muddy Church 16.6.22

Judaism (13.05.22)

Today, we explored the Torah teaching of 'giving the law.' (Exodus chapters 19&20)

We discussed how this Jewish story is so powerful that it has changed how people think all over the world today.  We used Godly Play to explore, discuss and ponder about Moses before looking into the 'Ten Commandments' 

1. Put God first.

2. Don’t worship anything that isn’t God.

3. Be serious when you say God’s name.

4. Have a special day for rest every week.

5. Respect your parents.

6. Do not murder.

7. Keep your promises.

8. Don’t steal.

9. Don’t lie.

10. Do not long for other people’s things.

We then engaged in verbal wondering, exploring which commandement we feel were the most important and whether we'd change any to meet the needs of today's world. 

RE Experience Day  (13/12/21)

Today we have spent time  learning about the Christmas Story. Every class across the school focused on retelling the story from a different perspective. We became shepherds for the day and told the story of Baby Jesus from our point of view. 

We also iced biscuits using icing, marshmallows and decorations. We enjoyed mixing and pouring the icing to create melted snowmen! 

We spent some time making Christmas crafts which included paper decorations and cards. The children got creative with finger painting and very sparkly with bauble decorating. 

