School Council
School Council 2024-2025
School Council's Movie Night - Wednesday 26th February
We, at the school council, are really excited about our second fundraising event of the year – Movie Night on Wednesday 26th February – 5.30pm to 7.30pm. This event is to raise money for our school’s chosen local charity – Mind – as well as fund a project in school to improve the library area and update playground equipment in our school field.
If your child wishes to participate in the event, then please complete the form below telling us which movie they want to watch. On the night, children will join the room showing the film they have chosen, therefore, allowing for mixed classes to watch together. Children are encouraged to come in their pyjamas and are more than welcome to bring a teddy if they wish.
The cost is £5 and this includes hot chocolate and some sweets. There is a discounted rate for siblings to attend at £3.00 per extra child
Payment for the event needs to be handed into school before the event so we can plan rooms, drinks, and sweets. Therefore, please complete the form and monies in school (cash only and enclosed in an envelope) by Monday 24th February 3:00pm.
Thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully
School Council Representatives
Microsoft form will go live at 3pm today (Tuesday 11th February).
Our CGT Winner is.... Esther!
So much talent on show in our GCT competition. Thank you to all those who were brave and took part to share their wonderful talents. It was close and very hard for our council members to judge but our stand out winner for Esther! Congratulations!
Our event raised just over £90 towards developing our library area and playground equipment as well as supporting our chosen charity - Mind.

Cheddon's Got Talent is back!
Our first event from our new elected school council is a very popular event - Cheddon's Got Talent! Held on Thursday 12th December in school. Sign up sheets are in each class window. Make sure you put your name, year group, what is your talent is and if you need any music. It is £2.50 to enter and this must be handed in on the day of the competition for you to participate. We had 25 entries last year and we would love to have more. What amazing talents shall we see this year?
All talents are welcome and children can perform solo or with anyone in school. This is an open whole school competition and will not be segregated into classes or year groups to compete. Our judges will be school council members and special guests.
Any equipment or props you require for your talent need to be brought by yourselves on the day of the competition. If you require music then please make Mr Godfrey or a school council member aware before the day so we can prepare the music for you. Any questions about our event, please ask one of our fantastic council members.
All monies raised will go towards supporting our chosen charity - Mind - and giving our library a little revamp to encourage us all to dive into a good book.
Welcome to our elected School Council members of 2024-2025...

After another massively successful year for the Cheddon School Council, we need new motivated and enthusiastic young leaders who want to make a difference, for the better, in our school. Through being part of our school council there is no better way to do this.
If you are interested, read more information below and the writing template for you to help write your speech to persuade your class to vote for you. We will hold speeches in class on the WB 30th September.
Ask in school if you want to have the framework printed off to take home.
Good luck!
School Council 2023-2024
Our School Council of 2024 Finishes on a high!
With our final event raising approximately £250, we have reached the position to be able to give our local charity for this year - Open Door - £400 to help them support the homeless in our area. It was great to have Emma, the manager of Open Door, available to come out and receive our large cheque from the children. We were then able to donate £500 to Mrs Mort to develop our school’s forest school area as more classes will be enjoying it next year.
Thank you to our school council members who are worked so hard to give our school exciting events across the year and help raise money to support our projects. We all should be immensely proud of them.

Water is Fun!
Our Final Event for 2024 - Water Festival - Friday 19th July
Your council are glad to share with you our final fundraising event for this academic year. We are going to be hosting a festival of water for each class. For £2 to enter, each class will have time to have a water fight, play hook a duck, radio activity waste team building games, apple bobbing and much more.
If you are keen to participate, you will need to wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty and wet and to bring in with you a change of clothes and shoes as well as a towel. Children are encouraged to bring in their own water pistols but we will not be accepting water balloons.
If you have a paddling pool or large container we could borrow to allow the children to refill without leaving the field, please let the office or Mr Godfrey know.
Don't worry if you aren't keen on water, we will be marking off an area on the field for spectators which will remain a water free zone so you can enjoy the fun.
If you have any questions, please speak to a council member or Mr Godfrey.
Bring Your Bike to School Days Raised £118 for the School Council - Thank you
Bring Your Bike to School Week 2024!
Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May.
After last year's hugely successful event, our council wanted to bring it back. So here it is. Take a look at our poster for more information but the main information to remember is:
- £1.50 to participate per child brought in on your child's day
- Helmet must be worn
- Microsoft Form most be completed before the taking part in the event (
- Class 5 - Monday
- Class 4 - Tuesday
- Class 3 - Wednesday
- Class 2 - Thursday
- Class 1 - Friday
- Bikes etc will be kept under the cow shed on the playground.
Only bring your child's bike, scooter or skates on the day their class is participating in the event.
Let's Ride!
Class 1
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Forest School Area Design Competition - Due in by Friday 24th May
The winner of Cheddon's Got Talent 2024 is.....
Cheddon's Got Talent 2024 Winner Announcement.mp4

Thank you for our winner from last year, Poppy, for putting the announcement video together.
Cheddon’s Got Talent 2024 - So much talent!
We were absolutely blown away by the incredible level and range of talent on show this year. We had jokes, dancing, singing, live art, gymnastics, individual, paired and group performances. Thank you all for participating and helping us raise another £40 to our project and chosen charity this year.
It was very challenging for our judges to make a decision and score. However, the results are in and will be revealed in assembly this Friday (19th April).

Cheddon's Got Talent 2024! (Spring)
On, Wednesday 20th March, our school council will be hosting it's latest fundraising event - Cheddon's Got Talent! To enter it will cost you £2 per student and this fee can be brought in on the day. All talents are welcome and children can perform solo or with anyone in school.
This is an open whole school competition and will not be segregated into classes or year groups to compete. Our judges will be school council members and special guests. Children need to sign up for the competition by writing their name and act/ talent on to the sign up sheets on the School Council board outside class 5.
Any equipment or props you require for your talent need to be brought by yourselves on the day of the competition. If you require music then please make Mr Godfrey or a school council member aware before the day so we can prepare the music for you.
Any questions about our event, please ask one of our fantastic council members.
School Council's Art Competition (Spring)
WOW! Future Banksys, Picassos, Van Goughs and Quentin Blakes in the making!
Thank you for all those who entered our art competition, you all helped raise £38 towards our School Council’s fundraising projects.
The Council were blown away by the amount of effort and time each entry had clearly spent and the quality from each piece of art work made it very challenging for them to vote on. Everyone should be immensely proud of the wonderful artwork you have made.

On Wednesday 7th February, our School Council will be launching a art competition. You will have two weeks to create your art work to enter on Wednesday 21st February. Take a look at Alfie's PowerPoint for more information about the event.

What a festive night!
Thank you for everyone who came along to enjoyed our Christmas movie night. It was great to see so many of your there with pyjamas, cuddly toys and blankets. We hope you had a great time and enjoyed the snacks and drinks we put on for you.
It was a successful event which raised just over £300 for our chosen charity - Over Door and equipment to develop our forest school area.
Thank you all for your support.

Christmas Movie Night - Thursday 7th December
We, at the school council, are really excited about our second fundraising event of the year – Christmas Movie Night on Thursday 7th December – 5.30pm to 7.30pm. This event is to raise money for our school’s chosen local charity – Open Door – as well as fund a project in school to improve the forest school area in our school field.
If your child wishes to participate in the event, then please complete the form below telling us which movie they want to watch. On the night, children will join the room showing the film they have chosen, therefore, allowing for mixed classes to watch together. Children are encouraged to come in their pyjamas and are more than welcome to bring a teddy if they wish.
The cost is £5 and this includes hot chocolate and some sweets. There is a discounted rate for siblings to attend at £3.00 per extra child
Payment for the event needs to be handed into school before the event so we can plan rooms, drinks, and sweets. Therefore, please complete the form by Monday 27th November by 1:00pm. Money(cash only) will then be collected from Tuesday 28th November, enclosed in an envelope and handed into school by Monday 4th December.
Thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully
School Council Representatives
Costume Day - Friday 24th November
School Council's first event of the year - A Fun Costume Day!
On Friday 24th November, for a £1 donation, children across the school came dressed in a costume/ outfit that was fun and up lifting to them or someone else. Whatever made them feel happy and made others smile.
There were some incredible costumes across the whole school and some wonderful outfits that made us all smile. As an event, we raised just under £100 towards our charity and school project.
Have a look as some of the pictures from each class below.
Class 1
Our chosen local charity is....
Your elected school council members have listened and your chosen charity to support this year is Open Door. We look forward to revealing fundraising events very soon to raise important funds for this great charity.
Our elected Council members for 2023-24!

School Council 2022-23
School Council Supporting St Margret's Hospice (19.07.23)
School Council members: Poppy, Lily, Ruby, Alex, Fred, Esther, Holly, Harry who have been hosting fundraising events throughout the year to support via raising funds for new playground equipment and their chosen local charity - St Margret's Hospice. They have done this by hosting bingo nights, talents shows, bake offs, non-uniform days, Bring your bike to school days and most recently help organize our Summer Fete. The children have raised enough money to equipment our playground with £300 pounds of new sports equipment and have donated £500 to St Margret's hospice. Megan Qua from St Margret's came to visit them today to gladly accept our cheque on behalf of the charity. Our member were very grateful for the goodie bag had prepare for each of our members.
That is a wrap from our School Council this year. I want to thank you each council member for their enthusiasm, hard work and commitment. You have all been wonderful and done an amazing job making a difference to our school.
Letters to become a member next year will be coming home shortly - keep an eye out!

Our School Council team up with our FCSA to deliver a cracking Summer Fete! (7.07.23)
We went bigger and better this year, we had a bouncy castle, Face painting, Hook a Duck, Inflatable slide, Sponge a Teacher, Ice Cream Van, Tombola, Raffle, Pre-loved uniform, music, Craft, pic n mix, tea, coffee and cake, book stalls, a bar, Tin Can alley, Buzz the Wire and many independent stalls and much more.
Again we were bless with glorious weather and it was great to see so many families coming a long to support the event. Thank you to the FCSA to helping organise and make the event such a success again.Combined the event raised £1200 which will be split equally with the FCSA and the School Council.
Take a look at some of the pictures from the event.

What an event!
Thank you to our School Council members who planned the latest of awesome fundraising events this year. Bring your Bike, Scooter or Skates day was a massive success with far more wanting to participate then we imagined. Out of our 140 children in our school, 105 took part over the two days. Incredible numbers. Meaning, we have raised a cracking £94 for our School Council which will fund new playground equipment and support their chosen charity - St Margaret's Hospice.
Please take a look and some of the pictures from the two days which show how much the children enjoyed the experience. Great fun!
School Council's Latest Fundraiser Event...
.... Bring You Bike/ Scooter/ Skates to school Day!
Our School Council wanted a day when they could bring in their bikes, scooters, skateboard or rollerblades to school. So, here we are. On Thursday 8th June, children from all classes can bring in their chosen mode of transport (with safety equipment also) and bring them into school. For a small donation (recommended at £1) they can have a go out our specially design track which will be based on the playground and/ or field. There may even be a small space for you to show your tricks. The tracks will be open during break and lunchtimes and only with adult supervision (Mr Godfrey). Bikes etc will be kept outside classroom or in designated spaces evident on the day. Can we stress this clearly, not helmet no riding. Safety first!
All donations will contribute to our School Council's fundraising pot which is funding new playground equipment and St Margaret's Hospice this year. Donations will be collected by School Council members at break and lunchtimes.
Parent/carers must complete this Microsoft Form before 7th June to allow their child to bring their equipment to school.
Poster designed by Poppy.
Our first Cheddon's Got Talent winner is...
School Council's Cheddon's Got Talent!
Wow! What an afternoon that was! We were so overwhelmed by the amount of talent on display for our latest fundraising event - Cheddon's Got Talent. There were: singers, dancers, gymnastics, scooter tricks, magic, jokes, hula hooping, live art, violin, guitar, football, tennis, catching and so much more. Please take a look at the photos those wonderfully talented young people doing their thing. Thanks to our entries, we have raised £52 towards our causes.
It was a very hard task to judge the competition but our school council members have collated their scores together and we will be announcing our first Cheddon's Got Talent winner shortly.
School Council is funding our playground!
Through our fundraising events from the autumn term we have been able to start to deliver on our aim for the year to equip our playground with new playground equipment. With just under £200, we were able to get some much wanted toys for our playtimes which will be out for all to enjoy shortly.
Support our upcoming events to help fund even more fantastic equipment for our school playgrounds.
School Council Easter Egg Hunt!
We are excited to announce another event this term - our Easter Egg hunt. It will be held on the 31st March and will be held in school. To enter is a voluntary donation which we recommend is £1 per child and can be brought in on the day of the event. Please look through our presentation for more information about the event.
Launching Cheddon's Got Talent Competition 2023!
Cheddon’s Got Talent Promo.mp4

On, Monday 13th March, our school council will be hosting it's latest fundraising event - Cheddon's Got Talent! To enter it will cost you £2 per student and this fee can be brought in on the day. All talents are welcome and children can perform solo or with anyone in school.
This is an open whole school competition and will not be segregated into classes or year groups to compete. Our judges will be school council members and special guests. Children need to sign up for the competition by writing their name and act/ talent onto the sign up sheets outside of their classrooms.
Any equipment or props you need for your talent need to be brought by yourselves on the day of the competition. If you require music then please make Mr Godfrey or a school council member aware before the day so we can prepare the music for you.
Any questions about our event, please ask one of our fantastic council members.
Judging the Bakes
Thank you all for your incredible entries to our Cheddon Bake Off competition. The School Council members have been tasting and working hard to choose our winners - it has not been easy. However, decisions have been made and results will be shared at our next celebration assembly. We are all in desperate need for something savoury now.

Next event...
School Council's Great Cheddon Christmas Bake Off - Wednesday7th December.
I hope the practising at home is going well. On the day of the event, children are to bring in their entries into their classroom where they will be placed on tables set up outside their classroom.Each entry needs to ensure your child's name and class is clearly evident. £3 entry fee will need to be handed to your class teacher that morning.
School Council members will spend the day tasting and judging your delicious entires based on taste, as well as decoration(Christmas themed). Each class bakes will have a 3rd, 2nd and 1st place winners with 1st placed winners to be entered into an over all star baker second judging phase.
At the end of the day, competition bakes will be available to try and take home for voluntary donations towards the School Council out the back of Class 5. We can not guarantee what ingredients are in each bake, so please be mindful if you have any allergies.
Any questions please don't hesitate to ask Mr Godfrey or a member of the School Council.
What an event to start the year off for our school council. Thank you all for coming and supporting them and we truly hope you enjoyed yourselves. With your support, we were able to raise just over £100 which will be used to fund future events, new playground equipment and St Margaret's Hospice. Here's a few pictures from the night.

School Council Bingo Night - Tuesday 22nd November
School Council are pleased to announce our first event this academic year. We will be hosting a Bingo Night on Tuesday 22nd November at 5.30-6.30pm in our school hall. No tickets needed, you turn up on the night and purchase your bingo cards then. There will be six games and you can purchase one grid for 50p or six grids for £2.50. Please bring along your own bingo dabber or you can purchase one on the night for £2. We can only take cash payments at this event.
We will play first to complete a line and then full house for each game with prices for our winners. Parents of KS1 children we encourage to stay and help their children with finding numbers quickly whereas KS2 can persevere themselves (adults from school will be there to help). All monies raised on the night go directly to our school council to fund future events, school playground equipment and St Margaret's Hospice.
Our school will be supporting...
Our school council members have listened to their class members and shared the charities they wanted to support this academic year. We have decided to support St Margaret's Hospice through our many planned events across the school year.
Elected School Council Members 2022-23

Democracy is Alive and Well @ Cheddon
Throughout last week (WB 3.10.22) children in each class have stood in front of their peers and delivered speeches as to why they should vote for them to be their class representative in our School Council this year. After, children were allowed to vote by choosing the two best candidates from their class. Result are to follow soon.

School Council 2021-22
School Council Summer Fete - A Huge Success!
What an event! Thank you to all those who came and supported it and all those many others who helped set up, run a stall and pack away after. It was great to see the school field so busy and to see our families altogether.
A special well done to our School Council members who have planned and organised the event from scratch. I am proud to announce they raised approximately £750 from the fete!
Adding this with profits from other fundraising events across the year our school council have raised a whopping £950!
Our members have invested £250 to help create a cleaner school environment at Cheddon (which you will see implemented in the new school year) with introduction of playground bins and a litter picker crew with all the safety gear.
Finally, our school, through their members, nominated Love Musgrove as their chosen charity to support for the year. We welcomed representatives from Love Musgrove, Zoe and Elliott, to join our school celebration assembly where we were able to hand over our donation of £500 which will be put towards supporting their Children's Ward.

Here are some of the businesses supporting our summer fair this year...
The Winner is......

Our final 8...
Your vote is needed!
The School Council have chosen the eight finalists for our logo competition. We now need your help. Please follow the link below to complete our Microsoft forms to register your vote.
The winner will be announced soon!
Thank you,
The School Council
Design the School Council Logo Competition - Mon 17th Jan to Friday 4th Feb 2022.
School Council members have launched another event. A chance to get creative and to etch your name into Cheddon history. Please watch the video, made by our council members, for more details. Below you can find the entry form. Good luck and be imaginative with your design.
school_council_badge_competition_info_742174632876 (720p).mp4

Recycle Your Ink Cartridges with us!
If you have any out of date or used printer ink cartridges then why not recycle them to raise money for charity. Please bring in your cartridges and deposit them in the recycling box located at the front of school.

Christmas Movie Night!
Another event from the School Council. This time it was a Christmas movie night where children could purchased a ticket to come back to school in the evening in their pyjamas. Where their classrooms had been transformed into a small cinema with popcorn and hot chocolate! It was a brilliant evening (not sure how much of the film they watched) and everyone left feeling very festive.
Again, the School Council would like to thank you all for attending this event and help raise a staggering £100.
Merry Christmas!

Cheddon is Going Green with Terracycle!
School Council have listened to a passion throughout school for a need to reduce waste and recycle where we can. Therefore, the council have researched and found a company called Terracycle who will recycle items that usually can't be recycled through local collections. Members from each class have created boxes to collect crisps packets and pens that would usually find their way to landfill. Once we have enough, we will send them off to be recycled. Please bring in empty crisps packets and dried out pens from home to help reduce our waste as a community. We only have one planet.

Decorate a Pumpkin/ Veg/ Fruit Fundraiser Competition!
The council members organised and ran a harvest pumpkin/ veg/ fruit decorating competition across the whole school. Children could submit their entry with a £1.50 donation inspired by whatever they liked. All money raised will be put towards future School Council events and the growing tally raised for local charity Love Musgrove. School Council members thought long and hard to select the top three entries from each class and we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part. The imagination was exceptional and we have raised an amazing £60!

School Council Seeks Support for Taunton Foodbank
Our members were inspired by our build up to harvest and wanted to support families in our community. They wrote a letter to Sue Weightman to find out what specific foods the foodbank needs at this time of the year.
Our Elected 2021-22 School Council Members

At the start of the school year, each class had to vote on who they wished to elect for the school council. Two members from each class were elected. Since then the school council has met every two weeks. They have decided to support the charity Love Musgrove this year. Well done to each class for voting in the election!