Autumn 2024
Concentric Circles
The children created their own versions of Kandinsky's Concentric Circles by drawing circles and then colour mixing to create the shades they wanted.
Kandinsky inspired craft
This week, the children were learning about mixing warm and cool colours.
The children have been exploring how to make and mix neutral colours to paint a teddy bear.
The children began their colour mixing unit by exploring primary and secondary colours and then using this knowledge to practice and create a colour wheel.
Summer 24
This term we have been practicing our observational drawing and sketching skills. Here are a few of the projects the children have taken on.

Spring 2024
Here are some of the finished clay tiles.
This week the children created their clay tile using the sculpting tools. The children tried really hard to copy their design. They all put so much effort in!
This week in art, the children learnt about the artist Michelle Reader. She makes all sorts of figurative sculptures out of waste materials. With the waste materials brought in from home, the children made sculptures of monsters! They were very creative with the materials on offer.
Spring 2024
In Art this term, the children will be focusing on sculptures. Last week they looked at an artist called Marc Quinn who, amongst other things, uses bread dough to sculpt hands. The children were given some salt dough and a sculpting tool and tried to sculpt their own hand. They did a great job at learning a new skill and had lots of fun in the process!
Here are some of our finished hand sculptures.
Autumn 2023
Picasso collage
The children created their own Picasso portrait collages by selecting the face shape, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and eyebrows they wanted to use and sticking them on their frame. The children enjoyed this activity!
This term, the children have been exploring Picasso and the art style of Cubism. They have been learning what the characteristics of this style are and practiced by painting animal pictures. The children tried hard to stay in the lines and to try and use different colours next to each other.
Spring 2022-2023
Autumn 2022-2023
Brush Stroke Exploration 20.9.22
This afternoon we kicked started our artistic learning by explore brush strokes. We went outside a trialed different ways and different brushes to make strokes. We made lots of different stroke sizes, thickness and explored line formation. The children loved painting outside.