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Sports Festival - Invasion Games

On Thursday 3rd October, our class were invited to Pyrland School to participate in a sports festival with many other primary school lead by the secondary school’s year 11 sports leaders. We got to play netball, tag rugby, frisbee and dodgeball. It was great fun and it was wonderful that some of our class were spotted for excellent sportsmanship by the leaders. 

Forest School (Autumn)
Our first week of forest school and the focus was team work. We had a go at various team building activities where we had to listen and worked together to complete the challenge. Some natural leaders step forward.


Cognitive - Tennis (Spring) 

Recently in P.E, we have been moving onto focusing on the cognitive cog in Real P.E where we look at making good decisions by explaining what we are doing well and begin to identify areas we can improve; awareness of space and others and develop methods to outwit opponents. We are practising this skills through tennis this term. We have mastered eye, ball and racket coordination and the forehand stroke. In today’s lesson, we worked on our backhand stroke with the introduction of nets. We applied our static athletic stance to ensure we are balanced before we make the stroke. 

Greek Day (Spring Term)

Take a look on the link below to see our Mini Olympics and Hasapiko dancing as part of our Ancient Greek Day!

Creative - Shape on larger apparatus (Spring) 

Building on the learning we have done linking to the creative cog in Real Gym we have now moved onto larger apparatus where we have focused on creating different shapes on the equipment. This will come together over the next few weeks as we use the apparatus to create our own sequences to perform to the rest of the class.

Creative - Real Gym - Hand Apparatus/ Dance - Ballroom (Spring)

This term we are focusing on the Creative cog in Real Gym where we are practising expressing ideas such as responding imaginatively to different situations and using a variety and creativity to engage an audience. Today we started by using hand apparatus such a hula hoops, ropes and balls to develop and apply different gymnastic skills. In the coming weeks, we will link these to create a sequence which we will perform.


We also were introduced to ballroom dancing. This week we learnt the Waltz. Learning and mastering the box step which we were challenged to then dance with a partner and to music to maintain the timing.

Netball (Autumn)

This term we are learning to play netball. We started with recapping on our already learnt skills: chest and bounce pass. We then worked on the skills in netball where you move into space when you don't have the ball to receive. Our focus this term in netball, is to understand the positions in a game. Here we have started by introducing GK, GD, C, GA and GS and understanding their restricted areas on the court. Next week, we will look to add WA and WD.

Sports Festival (11.10.23)

We enjoyed our morning at Pyrland School taking part in a competitive sports festival with other local primary schools. We played netball, dodgeball, tag rugby and ultimate frisbee. Great sportsmanship shown by all throughout the morning. Credit to Ben who was our photography for the morning.

Team Games/ Social Skills (Autumn)

First term of the new year and we are focusing on team work. We have exploring the skills needed to work successfully as a team by being placed in random groups and set little challenges to overcome together. We have played 'cross the river', 'Sheep led by their Shepard', 'Radioactive Waster bucket challenge' and a test to lower a pole to the ground with all group members index fingers touching the pole at all times. Sounds easy but it wasn't. We discussed what made certain groups successful and what could we do to improve how we work together to complete the challenge set. 


Rounders (23.06.23)

In P.E this term, we have been practising our rounders skills. We have all had experience playing rounders in previous years, therefore, our focus has not been on the catching, throwing and hitting but rather the game rules and tactics. We have been playing various versions of the games and really working on how to plan our fielding team and as a batter how we can maximise our score. We have loved the timed version of rounders as it created a very exciting finish. 


Handball (19.05.23)

This half term we have been learning the sport of handball. We have really benefitted practising our catching and throwing skills and enjoyed mastering new rules such as having only three seconds with the ball in our hands - this has made us sharpen our decision making. We have found the game really exciting and fast paced.


In hockey, we have been working hard on developing our close ball control by ensuring we use the correct grip and stance with the hockey stick. We tested this skill by playing King/ Queen of the Ring where close control is essential. We then moved on to focus on the push pass and practise how we generate power with the push pass by stepping into the shot. We then progressed this further by cushioning a received pass and then straight into a push pass.

Tennis in PE!

We have been trying tennis this term. We started by working on our grip and eye, ball and racket coordination before moving onto perfecting our forehand and backhand stroke. 


Some children in class have been participating in the Bikeability programme. Today they sharpened their handling and control skills before looking to take those skills onto the open road tomorrow.


Sports Day Fun in Class 5!

Year 6 children loved leading the activities and helping the younger children. The sprint races at the end where a particular highlight for many. Thank you to all our parents/ guardians that could make it to cheer the children on.

Real PE (Gym) - Creativity

This term we have been working on being creative in PE through ball and gymnastic skills. Combining various movements, shapes and holds with balls and other equipment to music. We challenged ourselves to work in small groups.

Team work makes the dream work!

15th March Class 5, along with Class 4 and 3, enjoyed a day focusing on extremely important team building skills. Each class was split into three groups and they had to complete various team challenges. Once completed, a clue was shared with the group to narrow down the suspects for who kidnapped Kevin the Lamar. Everyone had a great time and learnt a great deal about each other.

See more photos from the day on our Whole School Events page by following the link below.

Tennis (Spring Term) - Forehand and backhand

This term we are focusing on Tennis in P.E and we began by working on our ball to racket coordination before moving onto the forehand and backhand strokes.

Netball - Focusing on shooting in 2v1 games.
