2024 - 2025
Mayan Counting (Autumn)
Have a look at our Mayan Maths we have been learning.
Bar Chart for Class Pets (Autumn)
As part of our Spanish learning, we decided to find out the number of people having particular pets in class. We then created a bar chart to present the data (see link below).
Roman Numerals (Autumn)
We have kick started our Maths for this term by exploring Roman Numerals. First, we looked into where we may see them and where they came from. We then learnt how to construct numbers, including the golden rule of no more than three of the same symbols together! The class enjoyed challenging each other, even challenging me!
2023 - 2024
Fraction Fun (Summer Term)
We kicked of part 2 of our fractions topic by consolidating what we already know. We had great fun testing our skills and knowledge on ourselves and each other.
Ancient Greek Maths (Spring Term)
As part of our Ancient Greek Day, we completed a range of mathematical activities. Thankfully, we managed to use our skills and knowledge to find the code and escape the labyrinth!
Click on the link below to see the photos!
HSBC Budgeting Workshop (Spring Term)
We had the pleasure of having two members of staff from HSBC in class today for a workshop on budgeting. After the disappointment Mrs Gerrard had with the use of Tottenham Hotspur for planning an amazing day out, we managed to explore all the finances that are involved in the day. First, we had a look at the different values of money - they particularly enjoyed holding a £50 note! We then delved into how we can budget and what good value for money looked like. As a class, using democracy, we agreed to take our own food to the event, but purchase some fries. We were going to get a family ticket for the train and event. However, we were aware that unfortunate issues can arise with public transport. All in all, our day out to Tottenham would cost us £400. The cheaper option that a few children liked was to have a party at home and watch it on the tv, spending the saving of £200 on popcorn!
Thank you to both from HSBC with this great experience.
Maths Glorious Maths! (Autumn Term)
We have been developing our understanding of place value to help secure our knowledge and skills for our addition and subtraction units. We have learnt about exchanging values to help complete calculations and using our strategies to problem solve.
In addition, we completed our unit on area using THAT song to help remember the rule:
The perimeter goes around the outside, around the outside, around the outside, the perimeter goes around the outside, with the area in the middle!

2022 - 2023
Which Flavour Crisp is Your Favourite? (Summer Term)
It was crisp tasting day in Class 4 today! To complete our learning of Statistics, it was decided we would try a variety of crisp flavours and create a line graph showing the most popular flavours. After the tasting process, children voted on their favourite flavour; these were recorded using a Tally Chart. A line graph was then created using the results.
Pupils Become Teachers (Spring Term)
The Year 4s love becoming teachers in Maths. In pairs, children worked through their misconceptions, from their end of unit assessment, together. They ensured they talked through the questions, probing and challenging each other.

Dance to the 7s! (Spring Term)
January has been our 7 times table focus month. We have had great fun singing to Number Rocks every day - even started putting in our own dance moves. Get them to sing it to you at home!
Teacher Becomes the Pupil (Spring Term)
Today, I had the priviledge of being taught how to multiply a 3 digit number by 1 digit. Luckily, I had great teachers who helped me to understand the strategies used.

Factor Pairs Fun (Autumn Term)
Fun and games for learning of factor pairs. Rules are: roll two dice, multiply the digits together (such as 6 and 3) and say the following - '18 is the product of the factor pair 6 and 3'. Challenge, to find all factor pairs of the product you have.
Enhancing our Mathematical Understanding (Autumn Term)
Class 4 have been securing their understanding of addition using manipulatives. They had to complete the calculations and represent the answers using Base 10.

2021 - 2022
Fractions Plates (Spring Term)
We are just starting our unit on Fractions. First, we had a recap of prior learning to find out what we could remember. We then created Fraction Plates, which we will use to help us with our learning.