Autumn 2024
The children have been trying hard to log on to the chromebooks this half term. We were grateful to have some helpers from class 5 as this task takes a lot of perseverance!
Summer 24
Today, in computing, the children practiced inputting the data we had collected on cloud cover. They also looked at using a different method of displaying this data rather than just a bar model.

In Geography, we have been investigating weather and collecting data over the course of a week. Today, the children practiced inputting this data into a computer programme to create a bar chart to display their findings.

Spring 2024
The children's finished projects!
Big Ben

Buckingham Palace

Eiffel Tower

London Eye

Natural History Museum

St Paul's Cathedral

Tower Bridge

The children have been busy collating their landmark facts, writing a script and rehearsing together ready for filming next week!
In computing, we are going to be creating little films using greenscreening. Our class reader toy, Paws, will be visiting different Landmarks without actually leaving the classroom! Today, the children chose different landmarks and began their research in groups, in preparation for filming!
Autumn 2023
Friday 17th November
This afternoon we revised the vocabulary we use when programming the Beebots. We then went outside with some instruction cards and pretended to be Beebots as we followed the commands.
Programming Beebots
In computing, the children have been practicing programming Beebots. They have been inputting instructions to make the Beebot travel to a particular destination. This was lots of fun!
Spring 2022-2023
Algorithms With Lego - 22/02/23
We revisited the term algorithm today. The children became the device and created their own algorithms for their partner to follow. They should great perseverance in ensuring that their partner was doing exactly what they said - even though, at times, this could be frustrating. Their oracy skills were really put to the test!
Safer Internet Day 6/2/23
We explored how we use the internet in school and at home. We discussed the importance of knowing our log in details and passwords and keeping these safe. The children are now working on memorising their chromebook log ins to help them keep their information safe.
We shared the 'Magic Window,' sharing how we can keep ourselves safe and what we can do if we see something we do not like.
We then drew pictures showing what we like to use the internet for, whilst reminding ourselves how we can keep safe when playing these games.

The Magive Window Story shared during Safer Interent Day
Algorithm Exploration (31.01.23)
This afternoon children worked in pairs to create simple algorithms for our B-Bots to follow. They had to make sure the algorithms had a clear starting point before beginning. We challenged them to create different shapes using their B-Bots - what a great link to maths from computing!

Exploring Algorithms 25.01.22
This afternoon, children extended their knowledge about algorithms. They completed 'unplugged' activities to create an algorithm so their BBots would trace a numeral. The children loved trying out their ideas with the battery operated BBots. The year two's were exploring how they could debug their algorithm to ensure turns and direction were followed exactly how they wished. Great team work and perservence shown by all.