2024 - 2025
We have been using our social and personal skills to help understand how to play football. Two avid footballers (in Class 4) have been working hard on supporting everyone with developing their skills, such as: dribbling, control, attacking, defending, communicating and how be aware of space is important for passing and receiving. We have some possible England stars in the making!
2023 - 2024
PE at Superstar Studios (Summer Term)
We had an exciting opportunity to visit Superstar Studios Gym for our PE session this afternoon. The children learnt the importance of warming up and stretching, as well as completing 3 ten minute workouts.
We had 'rock, paper, scissors' upon a box for zone 1; zone 2 was sit ups, dumbell row and plate hops; and zone 3 was wall balls, mountain climbers and ground to overhead with a weighted plate. A huge thank you to Lee Owen (agreeing to have 28 children in his gym) and Matt Trump (who created a fantastic session). The children may sleep well tonight!
Tennis (Spring Term)
Within our Creative Cog, we were developing and applying our sending and receiving skills through tennis. We looked at using C.A.P (control, accuracy, power) to help improve our delivery, as well as correct stances to be able to receive and return. It was then time for our mini Wimbledon tournaments, with our umpires at the ready!
Catchball (Spring Term)
As part of our Cognitive Cog within Real PE, we have been developing and applying dynamic balance on a line and ball skills through focused skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and group Personal Best challenges. We have been using Catchball to practise and improve our skills further, with experiencing refereeing too!
'It was quite hard to referee, but fun. We had a stopwatch and a whistle and then we would blow the whistle when there was a foul.'
'I felt like I could learn more through watching and refereeing. I could see when people needed to be in space. It felt good that the teams would listen to me.'
Greek Day (Spring Term)
Take a look on the link below to see our Mini Olympics and Hasapiko dancing as part of our Ancient Greek Day!
Tag Rugby (Autumn Term)
We have been developing our movement skills using tag rugby for this second half term. Through the Personal Skills cog in Real PE, we have been exploring: footwork, balancing skills and following instructions. We then transferred those skills into our tag rugby activity. This helped us to learn and improve how to negotiate space and obstacles, co-ordination (especially with the ball being thrown backwards), follow instructions and concentrate on the task.
Team Games (Autumn Term)
We have started our school year with our Team Games unit. This has helped to settle the children in by getting to know their new class and developing further their communicative skills. The children have been using their knowledge and skills from previous PE activities to create a brand new sport for all to play. We have had great ideas and improvements made upon evaluation of their team performance. Well done Class 4!
2022 - 2023
Dancing Through the Decades! (Summer Term)
Class 4 had great fun sequencing dance moves from 1950s to 2010s, during the Coronation celebrations.
They learnt: The Hand Jive, The Twist, The Point Move, The Cabbage Patch, Dancing in Unison, Cha Cha Slide and The Floss. Get them to show you and give it a go!
Street Dance (Spring Term)
We have been focusing on the Creative Cog for our PE by learning how to Street Dance. We managed to learn a set sequence before creating our own moves in groups. We have learnt to synchronise our moves as well as taking turns. Have a look at our complete dance on our school Youtube page here:
Hockey Skills (Spring Term)
This term, we are developing our hockey skills further. We are using the cognitive cog from ReaL PE to help us master the reasons for specific movements and game play.

Skipping for Personal Best (Autumn)
This term, we have been working on our Personal Skills in Real PE. We have transferred the focus of our jumping and balancing skills to use in skipping, which has helped to understand personal best. We started with learning how to jump with two feet, then progressed onto more challenging activities such as: one footed skipping, double skipping, jump rope and whole class jump rope! Some children had been challenging themselves and practising during their break times.
2021 - 2022
Buckaroo! (Summer Term)
We had great fun working on our fundamental skills in PE today. It did end up with a game of human buckaroo!

Anyone for Tennis? (Summer Term)
Class 4 are developing their skills in Tennis this half term. I wonder if we will have any future stars for Wimbledon?

Hockey Skills (Spring Term)
In PE this term, the children are learning the skills of hockey. I have been impressed with how quickly they have picked up the skills.