Expressive Arts and Design
Sea creatures!
During Spring 1, Class 1 made their own sea creatures out of clay. We used tools to manipulate the clay as well as our hands. We think you'll agree that our sea creatures are amazing!
Elf Traps!
Class 1 made some traps to catch unwanted visitors! They designed them, chose their materials and created them independently. Some even wrote notes to the elves!
Art and design so far this term:
Making Nurses' Hats
This half term, the children have been learning about people who help us and we looked at some famous people who used to help people in the past. The children learnt all about Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and had a go at making their own Nurses' Hats. The children had to listen carefully to instructions and had to decorate their hats once they were made. We had great fun!