Being Me in the World - Children’s Rights (Autumn)
We had a discussion about children’s rights and what we thought our rights should be and compared them to The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It is an important, legally binding agreement signed by 196 countries (as of 12 July 2022) which outlines the fundamental rights of every child, regardless of their race, religion or abilities. We discussed how not all children across the world have these basic rights.

Healthy Me - Taking Responsibility for my health and well-being (Spring)
In PSHE this term we are focusing on Healthy Me. Today we started discussing what responsibilities we have in our lives and then coming to a conclusion that our health and well-being is our responsibility as we become older. We then did a little role play as Agony Aunties where we had to give advice for different scenarios to do with personal health and well-being.

Dream and Goals (Spring)
In PSHE this term, we are focusing on dreams and goal. Today we started by paying a game called Strengths where we had to walk around the class where many cards had been placed on walls and desks with different strengths like Dancing or Handwriitng. When Mr Godfrey said ‘Strength’ we had to stand by a strength we felt we had. Each time we had to stand on a different strength. We then talked about goals and why sharing our goals is really helpful to achieve them. We wrote our school and outside school goals on a badge to display in class so we can all help each other achieve those goals.
We then discussed our ambitions for when we get older. What do we want to become? Job? How do we get there? We wrote down our dreams into dream clouds which were added to our display.

Yellow Day for Young Minds (11.10.23)
We have come into school today wearing something yellow to mark World Mental Health Day. We are supporting mental health charity - Young Minds. In the afternoon, we had an assembly led by Ant and Dec and then we went back into our classes to discuss how we are feeling now and whats on our minds. After our conversations, we spent the afternoon taking time talking and listening to each other by choosing from a range of activities: reading, sitting and chatting, painting, colouring, drawing, making papyrus paper or playing board games. We finished with some fun playing Mario Kart!

The difference between what we want and what we need. (30.09.23)
As part of our 'Being me in my world' unit this term for PSHE we have been talking about global citizenship. Today we looked at the difference between want and need. We individually created lists of things we would get if we suddenly came into a large sum of money. We were then shown Maslow's hierarchy of need triangle and then looked at our list again and crossed those on our list we didn't actually need. All lists were very nearly completely crossed out.
We finished by talking about how not being able to have all the needs on the triangle all the time is normal but that those at the bottom are needed for us to be able to learn effectively in school.

Mental Heath (26.05.23)
In PSHE, as part of our relationship topic, we have been exploring and discussing mental health. We have defined what mental health is and that all of us have mental health. We explained that our mental health is a set of scales balancing 'challenge' with 'support'. When the challenge isn't matched by the support then the scales become unbalanced. Prolonged periods with unbalanced scales can lead to mental health problems. Therefore, we discussed strategies to help provide support to balance our mental health scales. In the photo, you can see us participating in an activity where we establish how each of us is connected to each other in some way. Oliver then made an observation that this activity represents how we are all connected as we all have mental health.
Exploitation (3.03.23)
In class today, we have been discussing what we already knew about 'gangs'. We talked about how people are pressured into joining gangs where their vulnerabilities and circumstances are taken advantage of. With that, we looked at a scenario and worked together to identify 'red flags' - where the characters could of picked up on the danger signs. We then looked at 'green flags' where in the scenario where the character could of made a choice to avoid being pulled into the gang. Finally, we looked into who we could speak to if we felt we were in this situation and stressed that although the gangs will say they can't get help they can.

Safer Somerset Partnership Workshop 10.11.22
We were very lucky to welcome Mark and John from Safer Somerset Partnership to deliver a workshop. There were many areas discussed but we focused on negative effects of peer pressure. We were split into groups and asked to plan and film a short 'Call to action' advert with various scenarios for the children to choose from. Links to adverts video will follow shortly.

The final product...
Follow the link to watch the children's edited and complete 'Call to Action' videos.
Group 5 have gone through to the public vote!
One of our videos peer pressure videos (the one made by Group 5), has been put forward for the Somerset Schools Media Challenge public vote, and now is the time to gather those votes.
The online public vote begins at 7am this Thursday 20th April. The winning school will be the one with the most votes when we close the poll a week later at 5pm on Wednesday 26th April.
Voting takes place on our website at - please follow this link if you would like to cast a vote (at the moment the finalists can be viewed but votes cannot be cast until Thursday morning).
Let us get our video to the finals and spread such an important message.
My Dream for the World
In PSHE this week, we have been discussing fairness. What fairness is and why we should have it. We then worked in groups discussing an image depicting a child/ person/ people living in a difficult situation. We thought about how they could be help as well as how it made us feel to see other in challenge circumstances. Great conversations were had all around the classroom.