After making our volcanoes we created a chemical reaction with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make our volcanoes erupt. We revisited all of our learning on volcanoes, explaining whta happens when volcanoes erupt. We linked all of our learning to the city of Pompeii.
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
In geography, class 3 have been immersed in the Romans, so we linked our learning to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79 and the destruction of Pompeii. To help us learn the different layers of a volcano, we have started to build our own out of paper mache. Once finished we are going to use vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make our own eruptions. We have even managed to revisit some of our science learning around rocks and explore the rocks you find near volcanoes.

18.10.23 - Orienteering
Children put their directional language to test today. They created challenging obstacle courses for each other to navigate. They had to use compass directions to explain where their partners needed to go to complete the course. What great trust and teamwork shown.

Class 3 have been exploring compass directions. They have used a 4 point or an 8 point compass to describe the positioning of locations within our local area. Children used a variety of local maps to support their learning.

Recognising and using OS map symbols
Class 3 have been exploring OS map symbols. We have played bingo and added the symbols to a map. After that we worked in small groups to design our own islands using the OS symbols. It was so successful we challenged ourselves to design our own symbols for a dangerous island. We've thought about volcanoes, jungles, buried treasure and pirate graveyards!

Naming capital cities of the United Kingdom
Class 3 worked together in groups of 3 to investigate the capital cities in the United Kingdom. They each had a job role and had to use oracy skills linked to our Voice 21 project. The person with the whiteboard and pen was the writer, the person with the atlas was the navigator and the person with the chromebook was the researcher. They worked together to name the capital cities and then explore the human and physical features of London.

2021 - 2022
Comparing Mexico and England
On Monday 4th April, we used the Chromebooks to compare different human and physical features of a country in South America- Mexico and England. We discovered that the capital of Mexico is Mexico City and that 22 million people live there. In comparison, the capital city of England is London and 9.3 million people live there.