Sport @ Cheddon
Year 5/6 Small School Football Finals (Spring)
A very misty and cold day at Strode College for our football squad, who were playing against the top small schools in Somerset. The team had 5 tough matches to play in their pool, but showed great perseverance and team work all the way through. The manged to secure a win and a draw, but lost their 3 matches by a small margin. A huge well done to them all!
Year 3 and 4 Invasion Games (Autumn)
We had a large number of Year 3 and 4 children attend the new Invasion Games festival. There were four different activities designed to develop their understanding of invading space through attacking and defending. Luckily, it was a glorious evening! The children had a fantastic time and were eager to use their skills in their PE lessons.
Year 5 / 6 Football Team (Autumn)
Our team took part in a small school tournament against three other schools from the local area. In three games our team managed to collate three victories scoring 5 goals and conceding 1. We hope to called to participate in the regional finals next term. 🤞 ⚽️

2023 - 2024
Year 3 / 4 Cross Country (Spring Term)
A new venue for our Year 3/4 Cross Country runners; the beautiful grounds of King's Hall Prep School. We had 13 children excited to be running the 1200m course across the top field, overlooking Hestercombe House. Year 3 children were up first, with beaming smiles. They did extremely well and ran all the way, the Year 4s cheering them on! They all managed to cross the finish line with those smiles still beaming. Then, it was the turn of the Year 4s, who were cheered on by the Year 3 children. Again, they did exceptionally well. It was lovely to see the encouragement from peers and their attitude to ensuring they would have a successful cross country run.
U11s County Football Finals (Spring Term)
A team of 8 children took part in the Year 5 /6 U11s County Finals at Strode College on 18th January. The team were made up of Years 4, 5 and 6 children playing against strong teams of Year 5/6 children. There were four matches to play before we knew which teams would progress through to the final stages. It took a match to properly warm up, but as we continued to play in the remaining matches, the confidence of the team grew. Although they lost all four matches, two of those were extremely close. They worked so hard as a team and was a great experience to be a part of. Well done to the superstars!
We Can Play Football Year 3 & 4 (Autumn Term)
It was wonderful to be able to attend this session again and to take our Year 3 children. They had a great time learning new skills by playing fun games. I particularly liked the moment when the shout of 'Neymar' meant all the children had to fall on the ground! Our team had a wonderful time with The Football Fun Factory. A highly recommended company to support the playing of football with positivity.
KS2 Cross Country (Autumn Term)
A change of venue for our cross country this time, due to floods on the usual course. It meant a shorter distance, but still facing adverse weather conditions! It was fantastic to have the Year 3 children join this event. They were nervous to start, but by the end they were excitable and would attend again. Great news! A huge well done to you all!
We Can Play Football (Autumn Term)
A great opportunity for children to have a go at a sport they may not have tried before or, would like to build up their confidence in. Two children attended yesterday, in what was a bitterly cold evening. The Football Fun Factory ensured the children kept moving, learnt skills and more importantly, had fun! So much so, the children have signed up to the Football Fun Factory.
Year 5/6 Mixed Football (Autumn Term)
A team of ten children attended a mixed football tournament at Bridgwater and Taunton College. The sportsmanship and collaboration was superb, which helped them to win three matches and draw two. A huge well done to our Year 4 children who stepped up to make a full team and play against Year 5 and 6 children.
KS2 Cross Country (Autumn Term)
We had a great selection of children from Years 4 to 6 attending the first cross country event of the year. For some, it was their first time and others were looking to beat their previous time. All children crossed the finish line with a smile on their face. Well done to you all!
Class 5 Festival (Autumn Term)
Class 5 enjoying a morning of sporting activities at Pyrland School.
2022 - 2023
Boys' Football (Autumn Term)
An exciting tournament for our boys' football this evening. Match report from one of our team members:
'We played very well and won 3 out of 4 of our games. We tried our best and didn't give up. The coach was amazing, and we played amazing. We scored 13 goals as a team and got through to the next round. We got medals and everyone felt really proud with themselves. Everyone was respectful and played well in their positions and as a team.'
A huge congratulations to the team, who go through to the County Finals in January. Thank you to their coaches who helped them!
Girls' Football (Autumn Term)
After the success of the Lionesses, we have a small team of inspired footballers attend friendly fixtures tonight. With a few players unable to make it, we were incredibly grateful to St Andrew's Church School for letting us borrow a few of their girls to join our team. The girls worked fantastically together, with their confidence growing as their games went on. They managed to secure a win, to draws and a loss. Well done ladies!
KS2 Cross Country (Autumn Term)
Our sporting fixtures kicked off this term with a 1500m cross country run at King's College. It was wonderful to have children who wanted to beat their time from their previous run, and have children participate who had never taken part before! They were all fantastic and crossed the finish line with smiles on their faces. A huge well done to them all.
2021 - 2022
Year 3/4 Modified Rounders (Summer Term)
It was fantastic to be able to take the Year 3 and 4 children to the final competition of the summer term: their introduction to rounders. They managed to pick up the game and rules really quickly and had a go at all positions. They played against 3 schools, getting them ready for the competitive format. A huge well done to all of them, who said they would do it again. Lovely to see beaming smiles!
KS2 Quad Kids Athletics (Summer Term)
A rather sunny day for athletics! The Year 3/4 children took part in competing during the morning, with a 400m run, 50m sprint, vortex throw and standing long jump. The children were outstanding and gave everything they had. We cam 9th out of 15 teams, which is amazing considering we were against one and two form entry schools. We also had a Year 4 child who achieved overall 3rd place out of all of the boys who participated.
The Year 5/6 children shown great perseverance as the sun beamed down during the afternoon. Their long distance run was 600m and a 75m sprint. Again, I was so proud to see their determination. Both groups really enjoyed their competition - I believe they all slept well that evening.
Boccia (Summer Term)
Wednesday as part of the SASP inclusivity programme, we took 6 children to Taunton Vale Sports Club for a Boccia tournament. The children enjoyed it and played well. The had received positive comments about their manners, tolerance and teamwork.

Cross Country 1500m (Summer Term)
Five children went to King's College to participate in the 1500m cross country run. It was a glorious day, with no threat of them crossing the finish line muddy! A few, who had been before, managed to achieve a faster time and others were able to set a base time for their run.
Year 5/6 Rounders (Summer Term)
The rounders team were in action again, this time was for a chance to play in the Area Finals. The team had a great start, remember their skills from the friendly matches. They managed to secure a win, lost their second match by one point and lost the third match. However, we were able to make it through to participate in the Area Finals!
Can-Do Rounders (Summer Term)
A team of children went across to Bridgwater and Taunton College to have a go at playing rounders. The Can-Do activities are fantastic for introducing children to a variety of sports and competitions. Our children really enjoyed their experience.
Dynamo Cricket (Summer Term)
This year saw a new format of cricket being introduced into the CVL - Dynamo cricket. Two teams made the journey to Bishop Fox's School where they were able to familiarise themselves with the new format. The games were friendlies, which meant they could concentrate on understanding the play. The children really enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the future competitions.
Year 5/6 Rounders (Summer Term)
Our first team tournament of this academic year! The children were nervous, but excited to be back representing the school in extra curricular activities. We had four friendly matches to play, with the emphasis on 'having a go' in order to support the children being back in a competitive environment. The first game was a little wobbly, remembering the rules of the game, but as they progressed with their other matches, their confidence grew. There were smiles and laughter throughout the afternoon. A huge well done to the children for giving their best.

KS2 Cross Country (Summer Term)
A great day for a run! We had a group of Year 5 and 6 children attending a 1500m cross country run at King's College. This was their opportunity to secure a time for their run as well as understanding what is needed to be a long distance runner - no sprinting at the start! The first 18 runners through in the boys and girls groups would be invited to represent the Tone Area in the County Finals. The children were fantastic and showed great determination with their running. We did have a child make it through to the finals in Yeovil, where the course was slightly more challenging. The Tone area team managed to secure a second place, which was amazing! Well done!
Sport's Leadership Training is Underway (Autumn Term)
Our Year 6 Sport's Leaders have been busy today with part one of their training. They have been focussing on: the qualities required for the role, why we need Pupil Voice and the importance of inclusivity.

Year 5/6 Football tournament (Autumn Term)
Last night a squad of Year 5 and 6 footballers played in a tournament at Heathfield Community School.
The children played four games, winning 3 of them and losing the last one. We are very proud of the children for the sportsmanlike way they played the games and conducted themselves.
A huge thank you to Mr Hopkins who was Coach extra-ordinaire! We really appreciate his help in giving some professional guidance to the team.
Here are some photos of the team, ready to play and in action!