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Early World Book Day Celebrations

Today Pete the Poet joined us. We shared rhymes, stories and travelled on a magic carpet. The children were reminded that poetry is all about playing with words. They enjoyed performing poems through story telling, preforming some rhymes, working to the beat and getting dressed up.

Collaborative Write - Setting Description

We have been working hard to expand our sentences and vary our use of description. We have explored pre and post noun modifiers to add further detail to our writing. Here is part of the children's collaborative write. Once completed, they will edit and revise before producing their own setting description.  

Escape From Pompeii

This terms text is Escape from Pompeii (by Christina Balit). We will be using this book as stimuli to create a persuasive advert. We will begin by persuading our readers to join the Roman Army and then adapt this, creating persuasive adverts of our choice. Later in the term we will explore, plan and write an explanation text. We will be considering the different features of each text type and demonstrating how we write for different purposes. Children will be refining their use of punctuation and understanding of sentence structure.

Stone Age Boy

This term we are using the Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura as our class stimuli. We will be using this text to write a Stone Age narrative and to explore instruction writing. We will be delving deep into the life of Stone Age people to help us gain a greater perspective of how to describe the historical period. We will also be working hard on our editing skills and sentence structure.

2022 - 2023

Spring Term

Gran Can you Rap?


Class 3 have worked hard on their performance of Gran Can you Rap?  You can watch it here:

Gran can you Rap?


As part of their poetry learning this term class 3 are learning to rap.  Once we have learnt the rap we are going to perform and video our efforts.

Snow Day!

We thought we would make the most of the snow and use it as inspiration for an explanation text.  We found out how snow is formed and used the information to write our own explanation texts.  We used peer support techniques to work together and help each other with the aspects of writing that were challenging.

World Book Day


Class 3 have had a super time celebrating World Book Day.  Did you know ' wizard' comes from Greek and means  philosopher and wise one or 'predator' comes from Latin and means to rob / hunt?  We have spent the day exploring words and their etymology.  The children shared books and stories and chose to listen to different adults sharing stories.  It was a great day.

West End Theatre Company


Class 3 were lucky to have a visit from the West End Theatre Company.  They combined drama and dance with music to retell the story of Alice in Wonderland.  The children were amazing.  They learnt freeze framing and mime techniques as well as moving in time to music, different dance actions, teamwork and cooperation. They learnt to work together to create still pictures of the rose bushes, a cooking pot, the Mad Hatter's tea party, the Cheshire cat and the Queen of Hearts to name a few.  They learnt to move like the guards, carry a tray of tarts and march like a card.   It was a fun filled workshop.

Thomas Moore Author visit

Sentence types- We used the picture as a stimulus to write a range of statements, commands, questions and exclamation sentences.

Autumn Term

Writing instructions


To kick start our unit about writing instructions class 3 spend the morning on Wednesday 9th November following the instructions to make bread.

We then went back into class and discussed what helped us on the text to follow the instructions.  By the end of this unit all the children will have written their own instructions about how to make bread.  This links to our history topic about Vikings and creating stew and bread which we are doing in design and technology.

Firework rhyming poetry


Class three have been exploring rhyming words in poems this week. The children listened to and then watched a firework video.  They wrote down lots of action verbs and sounds.  We discussed the term onomatopoeia.  We created a shared poem about fireworks.  The children then made fireworks and published the poem on the coloured strips at the bottom.

2021 - 2022


For the past few weeks, we have been writing our own portal tale based on the story by Satoshi Kitamura. We have planned, edited and published our stories using our toolkits to make sure that we added everything that we have been taught in our Grammarsaurus lessons. We then shared our stories with each other in our Reading Cafe. We listened to each other's stories and gave them feedback whilst also enjoying some squash and biscuits! 


