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Understanding the World

Making peg dolls. 

The children have been learning about old toys. This week in Class 1 we have been making peg dolls. The children chose their own costumes for the dolls and decided on the best way to attach their clothes to their doll. 

Searching for signs of Autumn.


Class 1 & 2 joined together to hunt for signs of Autumn. We explored our forest school area and got to know our new classmates. A super time was had by all! 

Chinese New Year! 

We celebrated Chinese New Year in Class 1 by learning how to write Chinese numbers, making lanterns to decorate our classroom, cooking Chinese sweet treats and creating our own Chinese New Year red envelopes. 


The children learned all about the story of the Chinese Zodiac and we discovered which animal we were born under. 

Visit from the bank!


Class 1 were lucky enough to have visitors from HSBC bank to help us understand how to spend and save our money. We held real money, coins and notes, even a £50 note. The children selected toys from a toy shop that they could buy with their money and we discussed change. 


We had such a good time that the children wanted to write thank you cards. 

The Great Fire of London

For our topic this term Class 1 are investigating the Great Fire of London. We have learned about how the fire started and what happened. Our role play area is now a bakery and we will be making real bread in our cooking session. 

Understanding the World - RE

20.04.23 Our core value this term is PERSEVERANCE. We read the bible story of Noah’s Ark and enjoyed acting it out using the animal masks. We thought that Noah had to have a lot of perseverance to build such a big ark and that he showed a lot of faith in God to guide him and show him the way!

6.03.23 This term we have been focusing on the value of RESPECT. We acted out the bible story of The Good Samaritan and discussed how to be a good neighbour. We talked about what it means to belong to Cheddon School and the importance of looking after each other.

28.03.23 We have been thinking about the Easter story recently. We decided to work together to make an Easter garden with some plants we have been growing in our outdoor area. We carefully recreated the three crosses on the hill and the tomb which Jesus was laid in.

21.02.23 Today we made pancakes for Shrove Tuesday and learnt about Lent and why it is important for Christians.

9.01.23 This term our core value is TRUST. We have been learning about the bible story Daniel and the lion’s den and the importance of trusting in God.

13.12.22 This week we have been learning about Christingle and what each part represents. We invited our families in to help us make one ready for the Christingle service at Cheddon Church later. We can’t wait to light the candles!

1.12.22 We have been learning about the Christmas story and acting it out using the characters.

Understanding the World - History

14.11.22 For the last few weeks we have been learning about who Guy Fawkes was and why we celebrate fireworks and bonfire night. We have used the construction blocks to make the Houses of Parliament and have been busy in the making area using paint to make our own firework display.

Understanding the World - Technology

22.05.23 This term we have been exploring technology and discussing all the different types of technology we use. We learnt how to be safe online and the effects that too much screen time has on our bodies. We also had a go at using the laptop to type our name and even started coding using the Beebots to program them.

Understanding the World - Science

27.05.23 Today we conducted a science experiment to explore which materials float and which sink. We then made tin foil boats and counted pennies into the boat the see how many it would take before the boat sank!

25.04.23 This term we are investigating minibeasts! We have tadpoles, caterpillars and snails in the investigation area and have enjoyed watching them transform. We learnt about the frog and butterfly lifecycle and created snail fact files about all the things they like to eat. We then decided to mend the bug hotel using the tools to encourage more bugs into our outdoor area.

17.04.23 At the beginning of term we planted some beans and peas to watch them grow. We discovered that the shoots grow up and the roots grow down! Now they are bigger we have had to repot them into our outdoor area. Hopefully we will get to eat the peas and beans for our snack time when they have fully grown.

8.03.23 SNOW DAY! Today it was SNOWING! We decided to explore our outdoor area and made snowmen and snow angels. We discussed the change in the season and how the weather changes. We then bought some snow inside to observe what would happen once it was warmed up.

30.01.23 We love Space in Class 1 so decided to turn our role play area into a space station! We researched the different planets and discussed what it would be like to float around with zero gravity.

15.12.22 We have enjoyed our welly walks this term across to the school field. We noticed how the trees and weather has changed throughout the season. We liked climbing the trees, playing in the fallen leaves and crunching our wellies in the frosty grass.

Understanding the World - Geography

12.06.23 We have been comparing life in Kenya to life in the UK. We discussed all the wild animals we have in this country compared to what we might see in Africa.

5.06.23 In our role play area we have been on a Kenyan safari. We have been comparing pictures of Kenya to England and discussing all the differences we can see!

22.01.23 We have been learning about Chinese New Year and the different ways in which it is celebrated. We made paper dragon puppets and even had a rabbit visit us in class for the day as it is now the year of the rabbit. We enjoyed eating fortune cookies and reading the messages inside.

Here are some pictures from our trip to Noah's Ark, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and got stuck into exploring new animals and understanding their habitats. The children were super listeners for our workshop where they met Charlotte the Cockroach and a very friendly snake. A brilliant educational visit!

Exploring the Outdoors

Class 1 have been enjoying watching the changes in weather as our days are getting colder. So, we ventured across to our school field. The children explored our bug house, made a pretend campfire and used our trim trail. We finished our time outside with a whole class game. The children really enjoyed exploring our outdoor area. Here are some pictures...
