Spring 2025
Which material would protect Humpty Dumpty?
Which material would make good curtains?
What is the best material to build a bridge from?
The properties of materials.
Autumn 2024
The children were learning about how easily germs can spread and the need for good hygiene. The children put their hands in some coloured glitter and shook hands with their friend to see how easily the glitter spread between them. They then had to practice washing their hands to remove all the 'germs' from them.
Creating a food plate for a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore!
The children had to work together to classify each animal into its type - amphibian, mammal, fish, bird or reptile - and tell me a fact about each.
Spring 2024
Lots of partner talk in Science today with Mrs Wood as the children learn all about animals.
Spring 2022-2023
Materials (6.01.23)
Today, we kicked started our science learning by exploring different materials in our environment. We were quick to spot wood, glass, plastic and metal objects. Over the next few weeks will be distinguishing between objects and their materials. We will also be looking into the properities of each material such as opaque, transparent, rigid, bendy, soft and hard.
Animals Including Humans (14/10/22)
This term we have been exploring the differences and similairites between wild animals, humans and pets. We have found out what living things need in order to survive and today we began classifying animals into fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Children match the definitions to each group and explained why animals fit into these classification.
We then explored reptiles. We decided to make a lifesize crocodile on the carpet so we could apply our measuring skills as well as our observation skills. We could all fit in the body of the croc! Great teamwork from all!

Noah's Ark Zoo Farm (04.04.22)
Today we visited Noah's Ark. We had a fantastic workshop to build upon what we have been learning about animals and humans. Our workshop also explored different kinds of habitats. The children were greeted by a python and a cockroach. They were very gentle and brave when touching and holding them. They python surprised a lot of children, as they thought he was going to be slimy and smooth! We also explored the grounds and got to see lots of different animals, find out interesting facts and see some different habitats throughout the farm. What a fantastic day out!
Investigating Pneumatics
This morning we built on our prior learning about the inventor John Boyd Dunlop. We knew what pheumatics meant but wanted to find out more about how it worked. We set up three experiments using ballons and syringes to explore how an object could be filled with air, rotate and have force applied to it.
Here is a write up, completed by some year twos:
We needed:
5 balloons
1 book
First, we needed to blow up the balloons. Each balloon needs to be blown up to a different size.
Next we put a book on top, pushing down but making sure the balloon didn’t pop. We put quite a lot of pressure on it to make sure it could be moved left, right, forwards and backwards. The book was acting as us sat on a bike.
We found out that the pink balloon was better as it was about ¼ allowing us to apply pressure whilst holding enough air to make the book move around with bursting the balloon. The deflatted and the biggest balloon were useless because they were sliding or sticking to the surface. If we were on a bike we would have fallen off!
Our Science Morning with Mr G!