School Nurse & Useful Contacts
Your School Age Nursing Service
Your School Nursing service can work both in and out of school to help provide or find you support about:
- Keeping healthy
- Health promotion
- Dietary advice
- Flu programme
- Emotional Health
- National Childhood Measurement Programme
- Bladder or bowel complaints
They can also help make sure young people with disabilities, long term illnesses or other needs can receive extra support when they need it. It they can not provide the help themselves, they will contact you with someone who can.
The service is confidential. This means that you can discuss personal information in confidence. They will not discuss your personal information with anyone else without your permission. This include the school. They will only pass on your information in other to protect you or someone else from serious harm. Wherever possible, they will discuss this with you first.
School Nurses are qualified nurses, with specific graduate level education and work with a team to support you.
A safe and easy way to contact the school nursing team is to text 07480 635515.
Useful telephone numbers and websites
Taunton School Nurses
0300 7909854
Head Lice
0300 1245 012
Diabetes Team
Musgrove Park Hospital 01823 343666
Epilepsy Team
Musgrove Park Hospital 01823 333444