Our PSHE unit healthy me, fits in with our creative cog in PE. We are working on how we can improve our own performances, recognising strengths in others and suggesting ways to improve. Today we discussed healthy choices, and what this means. We reflected on diet, exercise and lifestyles. We understand how exercise affects our bodies and know why my heart and lungs are such important organs.
Today we discussed how we know that we are responsible for our own learning and how we can use our personal strengths as a learner to achieve the challenge. We thought about how our positive and respectful attitudes help us to tackle challenges and demonstrate what we can do. This was reflected on, linking to our school vision, showing how it is important that we believe in ourselves and others. We celebrating our own strengths and shared what strengths we see in others.
Today, we discussed team work and what it means to work effectively as a team. We thought about how working together can help shape and develop our learning. To challenge our thinking, we were set a challenge of creating a tower in a pair. We had to ensure the following rules were followed:-
1. Nonverbal communication only, no talking.
2. The tower must be freestanding and unsupported.
3. Only one person from your table may get resources at any time.
If any rule was broken, we had to freeze. This challenged us to consider how our actions, body language and facial expression can show how we feel and what we mean. The children showed great perseverance and found innovative solution to communicate with one another.

Dreams and Goals
Today kick started our unit on dreams and goals. We began by discussing aspiration, sharing what we would like to do when we're older and how we think we might make that happen.
Here are a few snippets from our discussions:
"I'd love to our my own nursery, I'd call it Tilly's Tots and have the best activities all day, everyday." Tilly Y3.
"I think I'd like to join the navy." Carson Y3
"I really want to work with animals and be a vet so I can take care of them." Mairead Y2
This led us on to a discuss what we would like to achieve this year. The whole class have come up with challenging goals, that they have set themselves, to work on over the next few months. This goals related to personal and academic targets. Here are a few examples.
"I'm working hard in ballet and am hoping to audition for the pantomime later this year as I'm now old enough." Isla Y3
"I'm going to read every day at home!" Jesse Y2
"I'm going to count to 10 in Spanish." Ollie Y3
"All my descenders are going to be under the line" Elsie Y2
Dealing with Conflict
This weeks discussion led us to share how we can react when we have disagreements. Children shared situations at home when parents may be upset, espeically when they've been asked to tidy their rooms and didn't! Children also shared how they can become cross with their little brothers and sisters. We role played situations, like siblings taking our toys, are demonstrated ways we could react and potential consequences. We all decided that sometimes we may get annoyed and need to take a moment before reacting.
Celebrating Differences
We have been celebrating our difference. This term children have celebrated their strengths and discussed how we are all unique. For example Isla shared her love for ballet, Lexie shared her love of reading and Ellis shared his passion for football. They all decided who they could turn to for support if they wished to develop a skill.
Children have shared things about their lives, suggesting how some things are similiar to one another and somethings are unique to us. We celebrated our differences.
Children showed respect to one another, valuing our differences and what makes us, us.
2022 - 2023
Spring Term
Snow Day!
Class 2 and 3 had their break out on the field today, so they could enjoy the snow. They were set the snowman challenge. The children worked together developing cooperation, social and emotional skills in order to build a snowman. We also had a great time running around and exploring the snow. This also led to some amazing science learning about changing state and how snow is formed. It was great to see awe and wonder in the children. When we came back into class we had a hot chocolate to warm us up again. It's great to be flexible and follow the children's interests.