Personal Development Clubs
Personal Development is about the knowledge, understanding and skills the pupils need to manage their lives, both now and in the future. Personal Development helps pupils to thrive as individuals and build their own personal character through their Primary Education.
Enrichment clubs happen in the spring term and it allows the pupils to enjoy things that are of interest to them. Different clubs will be set up across the school and all pupils will experience them. This gives pupils. the chance to experience new hobbies and interests as pupils will be able to take part in activities they may not have done before.
January 2025
This is our second round of Personal Development clubs. Over the next few weeks the children will experience the following activities.
| Date | First Aid | Kites | Country Dancing | Hashing | Housekeeping |
1 | 17.01.25 | Class1 | Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 4 | Class 5 |
2 | 24.01.25 | Class 5 | Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 4 |
3 | 31.01.25 | Class 4 | Class 5 | Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 3 |
4 | 07.02.25 | Class 3 | Class 4 | Class 5 | Class1 | Class 2 |
5 | 28.02.25 | Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 4 | Class 5 | Class1 |
Mrs Brown– First Aid
Mrs Bradley – Kites
Miss Darbyshire – Country Dancing
Mrs Gerrard – Hashing
Mr Godfrey– Mrs Doubtfire club / Housekeeping skills
Hashing with Mrs Gerrard
Hashing is a team run that relies on you following symbols to correctly get from one point to another. It is commonly used in trail running and can vary in distance. The learning starts by understanding how a maze works and being able to find the correct path through it. We then look at the different Hashing symbols, understanding their meaning and how to plot them. The children use a fresh maze and has a go at placing the symbols for others to be able to find the correct path through the maze (much trickier than you think! Finally, we use our knowledge of the symbols to plot a trail outside for others to follow.
March 2024
This is our first round of enrichment clubs. Over the next few weeks, each class will get to experience the following clubs:
Baking with Mr Godfrey
In baking with Mr Godfrey, children will get the chance and learn how to make fresh pasta. Working in groups of three, they will learn to follow recipes and measuring ingredients accurately to allow them to make a delicious fresh pasta dough. Children will be encouraged to make a particular pasta shape which they can then take home to put with a sauce for dinner that night.
We have fun in the session, the outcome is not the focus. Children play with ingredients and feel free to make a little mess. Although mess is welcomed, we learn what mess we make we must clear up. Children learn the basics of food hygiene when working with food we prepare for someone else.
Orienteering with Mrs Gerrard
Orienteering is an exciting outdoor adventure sport that exercises mind and body.
The aim is to navigate between checkpoints or controls marked on a special orienteering map. There is no set route so the skill and fun come from trying to find the best way to go. In competitive orienteering, the challenge is to complete the course in the quickest time.
Children will be learning about position and direction and how to orienteer a map in order to find the checkpoints.
All children will be working in small teams. KS1 have checkpoints marked on their map, so their focus is on following instructions for direction, whereas KS2 will be given points to plot on their maps (using their prior knowledge of a 4 and 8 point compass), so will need to listen to those instructions very carefully and find their own way to each checkpoint to collect a clue. Once all clues have been collected, they must complete the puzzle - the clock is ticking!
Outdoor Learning with Mrs Underwood
Outdoor learning is a wonderful opportunity to get create and connect with our environments.
The of these session is to build on our resilance, perseverance and team work skills. There will be a competative game like 'river crossing' or 'tail tag,' followed by a team activity - where children will work together to accomplish a building challeneg. All children will need to listen carefully in order to follow instructions to build the tallest tower. Children will need to think creatively and use a trial and development approach to make free-standing sturdy structures.
Performing Arts with Mrs Bradley
Performing Arts is a wonderful way for children to develop a variety of skills. Taking part can help children to develop confidence and self esteem, presentation and communication skills, improve creativity and expression as well as develop a sense of community through a shared goal. Performing Arts encompasses music, dance and drama and during our sessions the children will work on one or more of these strands. All sessions will involve some fun and active drama and mime games before either re-creating, through rehearsal and performance, sketches from The Lion King in groups or performing to 'I just can't wait to be King' as animals from the film.
Class 1