Spring 2025
Multi skills
Balancing and Catching
Autumn 2024
Practicing footwork skills

Practicing jumping skills.
Street Dance

Jumping over a rope with either a one or two foot jump.
Spring 2024
PE with Mrs Wood.
Spring 2022-2023
Multi-Skills Festival at The Taunton Academy (22.03.23)
On Wednesday 22nd March Class 2 went to a sports festival organised by The Taunton Academy and delivered by Y8 young leaders. The children were amazing and enjoyed the morning learning different throwing and catching skills with different types of balls. We were incredibly luckily the weather and remained dry all morning. As always, the children were a credit to the school
Cognitive - Throwing, Catching and Developing their Balancing (9.2.23)
Throughout this half term, children have been developing their accuracy in under arm, over arm and chest pass throwing and catching. We have concentrated on our body positioning and readiness to help increase the accuracy of our aim.
We have also continued working on our balancing skills. Our latest challenge was to walk forwards and backwards on a straight line, with high knees. The hardest part had us using opposite arms and legs. The children showed great perseverance throughout this.

Athletics and fundemental skills (Summer Term)
During the summer term, we have been practicing our controlled throwing skills, catching, aiming along with exploring javilins, squeelers and hurdles. The children have practiced and improved their agility, navigating around obstacles in a controlled manner.
Sports Festival At Taunton Academy (27.04.22)
Today we walked over to the academy to participate within a multi-skills festival. The children got involved in relays, golf, catching games, balancing activities, ball skills and much more. They loved getting to try out lots of different activities, showing their coordination and working as a team.
Gymnastics (24.11.21)
We have been working on flight and rotation in our Gymnastics lessons. Today we explored how we could us our body to help us take flight, jumping over, around and through obstacles. We also explored rotation, seeing how we could move over or around objects safely. We loved using the climbing frame and apparatus to help us discover this.