Autumn 2024
Number Bonds to 10
Fact Families
Ordering numbers to 10 from greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest.
Ordering numbers to 100
Part, part whole
Learning about place value.
Summer 24
Making arrays.
Partitioning, addition and number bonds.
Volume and capacity
The children had lots of fun investigating capacity and volume today!
The children investigated mass today. How many cubes does your shoe weigh?
Spring 2024
This morning, we had Ali and Debbie from HSBC in to complete a workshop with us. We learnt all about the different coins and notes that we use. The children loved being able to hold them and look closely at what was on them. We even got to see a new coin with King Charles III on it! The children were then able to show their skills and knowledge of doubling and halving numbers. We had a great morning!
Autumn 2023
Addition practice
At the beginning of the Autumn Term the children had lots of fun practicing addition and doubling by playing some games. The children's favourite was the snakes and ladders game!
Spring 2022-2023
Making Arrays (Y2) - 24.02.23
Today, we tackled multiplication challenges by mkaing arrays. We started by answers multiplication calculations and then applied what we had learnt to multiplication and division problems.
Partitioning - 24.02.24
Today, the year ones excplored tens and ones. They partitioned numbers up to 50, recognising the value of each digit. They also recognised and ordered all of the numbers that they had partitioned.
Time Tables and Number Bonds (29.01.2023)
We have started working on recalling our number bonds to 20 and counting in twos.
Here are some helpful songs that the children have found helpful in helping them remember and master these key facts.
There are also games on Numbots, TTRS and Edshed that will help us recall these fundamental facts.
Revisiting Shape and Counting Sides (11.01.23)
Year 2 children, kick started their shape unit by practically proving their answers with wooden pegs. This helped them use mathmatical vocabularly to begin to describe the properties of common 2D shapes.
Exploring Arrays (28.1.22)
Today Year One children started practically exploring arrays. They know that multiplication is commutative so they can count in either multiply to work out the answer efficiently. The peg boards helped them see the importance of presentation using the columns and rows.
Multiplication (20/1/22)
Year One have been working really hard within their multiplication unit. They have been learning how to count in 2s and 5s. We have been jumping whilst count in twos, to reinforce that we are adding two numbers each time we jump.
Below is a video link that we have been using in class to help reinforce counting in 5s. The tune is very catchy!
Multiplication (20/2/22)
The year two children have started working on multiplication. Here you can see them making and applying equal groups to solve reasoning problems. They all showed great perserverance; recalling and building upon prior learning to demonstrate how equal and unequal groups can be represented. They used repeated addition, multiplcation statements, pictures and concrete resources to demonstrate their understanding. What great work!