2024 - 2025
Should Deforestation Be Illegal? (Autumn)
We have been exploring what a balanced argument is through our geography learning on rainforests. With our Class friend, Oakley, living in our classroom due to his habitat being destroyed, we decided to investigate why this had happened. We found out that deforestation provides us with essential source of materials, such as medicines, wood, meat, farming and creates more jobs. However, deforestation does negatively impact animals and their habitats, climate change (by releasing more carbon dioxide) and hinders the production of medicine. After a class discussion, with great points of view and reasons for their arguments communicated, children wrote their balanced argument.
2023 - 2024
Information Reports on Greek Gods and Goddesses, and Planets (Spring Term)
A Morning with Pete the Poet (Spring Term)
Class 4 thoroughly enjoyed their creative activity with our special guest, 'Pete the Poet' this morning. They were able to gain an understanding of equality and diversity through solving problems within the story. Furthermore, they dressed up, played instruments, danced and gave suggestions to continue the story of the children going on an adventure to another place by a magical carpet (whilst the teachers were eating chocolate cake and playing buckaroo - apparently!) It was fantastic to see all children involved and immersing themselves in their creativity. A big thank you to Pete the Poet for the amazing opportunity to work with us.
Rhyming Poems (Spring Term)
We have been studying a variety of poems this half term, identifying rhyming schemes and figurative language that helps bring poetry to life. This supported us when creating a rhyming poem of our own choice. You may even notice some poems with exactly the same number of syllables in each line!
Editing and Revising Practise (Autumn Term)
We have been learning to improve our writing skills by focusing on different stages of the editing process. We started by setting a carousel of editing activities including: punctuation, spellings and using a thesaurus in order to correct a piece of text. During our second session, we looked at how we can improve our writing through the revision process. We managed to rewrite our improved piece of text using all processes.
Sequencing the Story of Abraham Using Oracy (Autumn Term)
After learning about Abraham and his faith in God, the children used a strategy from our Oracy programme to discuss and sequence the story. The children were learning to observe a partner, who was involved in the discussion, in order to give them positive feedback and an area for improvement. Confidence with discussions really shone through. Here are some quotes from the children:
'People were listening and participating'.
'It was great to have my skills recognised and telling me what I need to improve on'.
'It was interesting seeing how different people were discussing the same activity'.
'I know that we always need to improve and this helped me know what I need to improve on'.
2022 - 2023
Legend Tale Narrative (Summer Term)
We pulled all the stops out for our narrative. First, we looked into how we could up-level our writing, making our stories more interesting and capturing the reader. The children chose their own legend character to use for their writing and used the strategy of up-levelling for their final piece of writing of the year, showing off all they have learnt.

Captain Redbeard Kicks Off Our 'World Book Day' Week (Spring Term)
Class 4 were delighted to have a visit from Thomas Moore, who is the author of 'The Secret Slide' series. After sharing his stories, Thomas gave the children activities to complete to support inspiration for reading and writing. The children were to think of where they would like to go back in history and show that period through an illustration. We had a fantastic range of periods: Romans, Anglo-Saxons, when Buckingham Palace was built, Leonardo Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa and Pele's life. They also had to create a fictional character, which worked perfectly with our current English writing of a character description.
Accomplishing Apostrophes (Spring Term)
We have been focusing on accomplishing our apostrophes for omission and possession. Working in teams, we had to match the rules with sentences as well as correcting a text conversation between two famous singers!

Should Homework be Banned? (Autumn Term)
We have been focussing our writing on a creating a balanced argument using the question of whether homework should be banned. Interestingly, a resolution they came up with was to not ban it, but to limit homework set!
2021 - 2022
Who were more powerful? (Summer Term)
The children were set a task to investigate whether the Allies or Axis were more powerful during World War II. They started by researching a variety of areas including: weapons, casualties, leaders and how the countries were involved. Once they had gathered as much information as they could, they created a powerpoint presentation, where they also included their own creation of music to be played within their presentation. I was blown away with their final piece, presenting it beautifully to the class. They used their knowledge of phonics to help decode and blend the trickier words - there were a few!
Young Writers - Good Luck! (Spring Term)
We have been very busy writing our stories for the Bonkers Monsters Creative Writing Competition. The children had to create a short story about a monster who was... bonkers, and had a 100 word limit to do so. We had monsters who were invisible, monsters who were saving the planet and a rags to riches tale. I was so impressed with their efforts, it isn't easy manipulating words within a story to make exactly 100! Their entries have been posted, fingers crossed to them all.
Click on the link to see further information on the competition.