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Cheddon Fitzpaine Church School

Where we all belong, believe in ourselves and others, and build for our future.

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Curriculum Overview

Our School’s Curriculum Intent Statement


Our broad, inspiring and ambitious curriculum is designed to develop confident, happy and curious individuals who flourish through perseverance and a love of learning. This reflects our vision of ‘where we all belong, believe in ourselves and others, and build for our future.’  


Our school has designed its curriculum intent statement to reflect our vision and values alongside the curriculum intent of our Trust.  Our statement of, ‘Belong, Believe and Build links to our three key values of respect, trust and perseverance, underpinned by the biblical statement,"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbour as yourself." Luke 10v27


The curriculum at Cheddon Fitzpaine Church School is broad, inspiring and ensures the highest ambition for all pupils, through a carefully planned progression of knowledge and skills across our mixed aged classes.  Pupils are aware of their unique learning journey and as a result they thrive.  Pupils are at the centre of our curriculum design, which has rich and memorable experiences that promote a love of learning.  


For all of our pupils, we recognise the importance of developing the attitudes and life long skills that will enable them to be come successful learners.  The learning journey pupils experience at Cheddon will develop confident, happy and curious learners who will flourish and make a positive contribution to society.



Curriculum Leaders


English: Mr Joseph Godfrey 

Maths: Mrs Joanna Strawbridge 

Humanities: Mrs Victoria Brown

Creative Arts: Mrs Rebecca Bradley

Science: Mrs Victoria Brown

Computing: Mr Joseph Godfrey

D&T: Mr Joseph Godfrey

RE: Miss Hayley Darbyshire

PSHE: Miss Hayley Darbyshire

PE: Mrs Cheryl Gerrard

MFL: Mrs Cheryl Gerrard

Pupil Premium: Mrs Joanna Strawbridge


Religious Education and Collective Worship


Religious Education in our school is in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus and reflects the teaching of the Church of England.  Through the teaching of religious education we aim to promote the spiritual and moral development of the children, at the same time seeking to ensure that it promotes respect, understanding and tolerance for those who adhere to different faiths.  A parent does have the right to withdraw their child from religious education if so wished.

In order to comply with the 1988 Education Reform Act each school is required to ensure that all pupils take part in daily collective worship.  Nothing in the Education Reform Act affects parents’ rights, as established in the 1944 Act.  Any parent does have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship if they wish.
