2024 - 2025
Henri Rousseau Inspired Pieces (Autumn Term)
Within our Geography curriculum this term, we have been learning about Rainforests. This inspired us to learn about Henri Rousseau, who is famous for creating jungle artwork. Once we researched information on Rousseau - including his inspiration of creating jungle scene, but never stepping foot in a jungle - we had a go at observational drawings with house plants. These would become the background for our artwork. It was important to us that we included our very own Oakley the Orangutan, so we learnt how to draw him with: we used editing and improving skills of the video named 'Austin's Butterfly'. Finally, after exploring the use of water colours, we then created our Rainforest Art.
2023 - 2024
Graffiti and Street Art with Aerosol Art (Summer Term)
Class 4 and 5 were given the exciting opportunity to work with Sam Gaden of Aerosol Art, as part of their art learning this term. Sam gave us a great insight into the difference of graffiti and street art, as well as how he became a great artist who is well-known in Taunton and other areas. Sam has created and undertaken many projects around the town, including his recent piece on the Multi-Storey Car Park. The children were so inspired by him, they decided to learn their spellings using graffiti art!
Have a look at Aerosol Art's website for more pieces.
Creating Ancient Greek Vases (Spring Term)
Within our Ancient Greek learning, we have been exploring the different types of vases they had used, and still find being used today! We looked at the colours and patterns as well as identifying the stories that were told around them. After designing our own, we took to the clay where we were bringing our design to life. We used a variety of moulding techniques, including manipulating, pinching, coiling, press moulding and slip. Once dried, we chose the colours that would have been used in the Ancient Greek era to paint our vases.
Papyrus Paper and Portraits (Autumn Term)
We have been looking into self portraits that were used in Ancient Egypt civilisation when a person was laid to rest, in order to create our own.
First, we sketched our self portrait in our books, ensuring we carefully placed our features in the correct areas on our face. We then focussed on our complexion and the colour of our hair, eyes and lips using a combination of different oil crayons to get the colour as accurate as possible.
Finally, we needed to create the papyrus paper for us to complete our self portrait: we used brown paper and a mixture of glue and water, with an overlapping technique. It was very messy!
2022 - 2023
Head Sculptures Using Wire (Summer Term)
With our topic focus of Henry VIII and his six wives, we decided to create a head sculpture from wire. First, we looked at photos of Henry VIII and his wives to get an idea of how we would sketch them. We identified the need for different types of shading techniques, such as crosshatching, contour hatching and stippling, to help with the light and dark effects of our sketching. Once we had completed our sketch, we went over the features with a dark pen, ensuring we had a continuous line - this would be the line we would follow with our wire to create the sculpture.
Edvard Munch (Spring Term)
We have been learning about expressional art through the work of Edvard Munch. Taking his famous 'The Scream' painting, we have been looking at how colours can support the portrayal of emotions and expressions.
We know, from our research, that Edvard Munch would choose oil paint or oil pastels to create his pieces. Therefore, we started practising blending a range of media to create the same atmosphere and light effects that Edvard had created.

Observational Drawing of Celtic Shields (Autumn Term)
As part of our 'Bronze to Iron Age - What Changed?' topic, we have been exploring Celtic symbols. We learnt the meanings of the symbols, then tried to identify them within shields. After, we completed an observational drawing by sketching the other half of a shield, using a variety of pencil techniques.
2021 / 2022
World War Two Art Inspired by M.C. Escher
Our focus artist for the summer term was M.C. Escher. We explored his work on tessellations and his creations of parts of an object being transformed into another object.

James Mayhew Inspired Art (01.03.22)
We enjoyed a visit from James Mayhew, who was sharing his latest book, Once Upon a Tune. We listened to one of the stories about Sheherazade and her 1001 Arabian Nights. We then watched James in action with his painting to the music of Sheherazade. Using James' artwork for inspiration, we chose to sketch a story from the book and then had a go at bringing our sketch to life by painting to the orchestral version of Sheherazade.
Art using Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych (10/12/21)
This half term, we have been focusing on the artist Andy Warhol and his Marilyn Diptych artwork. Once we had studied his famous piece, we used Andy's Campbell's Soup image to re-create the colour technique (in Marilyn Diptych) using oil crayons. It was then time for us to create our own Christmas design using the Marilyn Diptych as inspiration. Andy Warhol used the technique of screen printing, so it was only right for us to use a printing technique too!